(804) 304-2088



10 Steps Road to the Sale

Points & Reminders

Learn The Important Points

You Must Remember !

Click Here to Learn More

Automotive Sales Daily Planner

Every Top Salesperson Has One!

It's Your Master Plan!

Get Yours and Make More Money!

Click Here to Learn More

The Power of With

How The Impossible is Possible

Childrens Success Book


Help you child learn how to be Succesful!

Click Here to Learn More

Learn To Sell Automobiles

      Training Seminar


Mickey Moore's Learning to Sell

Seminars are about what we

all must do to get & stay on Top!

Click Here to Learn More

Customer Relationship Management CRM

Here is what you must decide:

Do you want to depend on walk in customers for you income?

Do you want to have a line of customers waiting to buy from YOU?

With Greenrope you can forget waiting & waiting for a customer!

Greenrope Customer Relationship Management will make it happen!

Find out more


Learning to Sell      FAQ Frequently Asked Questions

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What types of Learning to sell training do you offer?

Mickey’s offers 4 types of sales training seminars:

· Overcoming sales objections using Mickey’s Flashcard system

· 10 step road to the sale “Points & Reminders” training

· Automotive Daily Planner training

· CRM Greenrope Customer Retention Management Training


Where do the seminars take place?

They take place via Skype


Sales Training is the job of my sales manager?

Yes, and even sales managers welcome someone else coming to their dealership saying the same thing as they do because they see it as supporting them not taking away.


Can’t I just coach myself?

Maybe. A few people can motivate and train themselves on how to achieve their goals. But for the rest, working with a trainer helps them reach a higher level of achievement – in a much shorter period.


Do you help develop leadership skills?

Leadership is a choice you can make anytime. Working with a trainer brings out your natural leadership skills, making you ready to take responsibility and make choices for yourself


Is training expensive?

Professional training is an investment that produces higher income assuming you apply the skills learned.



Better yet, if you live in the Virginia Area, Invite Mickey to your Dealership

Mickey would love to share his automotive training experience and the salesforce training books he has written with your sales team

Learning 2 Sell

(804) 304-2088


Mon 09:00 am – 05:00 pm
Tue 09:00 am – 05:00 pm
Wed 09:00 am – 05:00 pm
Thu 09:00 am – 05:00 pm
Fri 09:00 am – 05:00 pm
Sat Closed
Sun Closed

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